In light of this startling statistic, it's not surprising that millions of Americans have invested in expensive alarm systems. Today, it seems like every other car is equipped with sophisticated electronic sensors, blaring sirens and remote-activation systems. These cars are high-security fortresses on wheels!
If you want to think about a car alarm in its simplest form, it is nothing but one or more sensors connected to some sort of siren.
Most car alarm system consist of
The CCU and alarm features may be wired to the car's main battery, but they usually have a backup power source as well. This hidden battery supplies the power when somebody cuts off the main power source. Since cutting the power is a possible indication of an intruder, it triggers the CCU to sound the alarm.
The most basic element in a car alarm system is the door alarm. When you open the front hood, trunk or any door on a fully protected car, the CCU triggers the alarm system.
Most car alarm systems utilize the switching mechanism that is already built into the doors. In modern cars, opening a door or trunk turns on the inside lights. The switch that makes this work is like the mechanism that controls the light in your refrigerator. When the door is closed, it presses in a small, spring-activated button, which opens the circuit. When the door is opened, the spring pushes the button open, closing the circuit and sending electricity to the inside lights
All you have to do to set up door sensors is add a new element to this pre-wired circuit. With the new wires in place, opening the door (closing the switch) sends an electrical current to the CCU in addition to the inside light which sounds the alarm.
As an overall protective measure, modern alarm systems typically monitor the voltage in the car's entire electrical circuit. If there is a drop in voltage in this circuit, the CCU knows that someone has interfered with the electrical system. Turning on a light (by opening the door), messing with electrical wires under the hood with an electrical connection would all cause such a drop in voltage.
Door sensors are highly effective, but they offer fairly limited protection. There are other ways to get into the car (breaking a window), and thieves don't actually need to break into your car to steal it from you (they can tow your car away).
These days, only the cheapest car alarm packages rely on door sensors alone. Advanced alarm systems mostly depend on shock sensors to deter thieves.
The idea of a shock sensor is fairly simple: If somebody hits, otherwise moves your car, the sensor sends a signal to the CCU indicating the intensity of the motion. Depending on the severity of the shock, the CCU signals a warning horn beep or sounds the full-scale alarm.
There are many different ways to construct a shock sensor. One simple sensor is a long, flexible metal contact positioned just above another metal contact. You can easily configure these contacts as a simple switch: When you touch them together, current flows between them, completing the circuit.
The problem with this design is that all shocks or vibrations close the circuit in the same way. The CCU has no way of measuring the intensity of the jolt, which results in a lot of false alarms. More-advanced sensors send different information depending on how severe the shock includes.
The sensor has only three major elements:
When you move the sensor, by hitting it or shaking it, the ball rolls around in the housing. As it rolls off of one of the smaller electrical contacts, it breaks the connection between that particular contact and the central contact. This opens the switch, telling the brain that the ball has moved. As it rolls on, it passes over the other contacts, closing each circuit and opening it back up, until it finally comes to a stop.
If the sensor experiences a more severe shock, the ball rolls a greater distance, passing over more of the smaller electrical contacts before it comes to a stop. When this happens, the brain receives short bursts of current from all of the individual circuits. Based on how many bursts it receives and how long they last, the brain can determine the severity of the shock. For very small shifts, where the ball only rolls from one contact to the next one, the brain might not trigger the alarm at all. For slightly larger shifts -- from somebody bumping into the car, for example -- it may give a warning sign: a tap of the horn and a flash of the headlights. When the ball rolls a good distance, the brain turns on the siren full blast.
In many modern alarm systems, shock sensors are the primary theft detectors, but they are usually coupled with other devices. In the next few sections, we'll look at some other types of sensors that tell the brain when something is wrong.

A fully equipped car alarm system has a device that senses this intrusion. The most common glass-breakage detector is a simple microphone connected to the CCU. Microphones measure variations in air-pressure fluctuation and convert this pattern into a fluctuating electrical current. Breaking glass has its own distinctive sound frequency. The microphone converts this to an electrical current of that particular frequency, which it sends to the CCU.
On its way to the CCM, the current passes through a crossover, an electrical device that only conducts electricity of a certain frequency range. The crossover is configured so that it will only conduct current that has the frequency of breaking glass. In this way, only this specific sound will trigger the alarm, and all other sounds are ignored.
You can detect fluctuations in air pressure with an ordinary loudspeaker driver. A loudspeaker has two major parts:
An advanced alarm system will also include a separate siren that produces a variety of piercing sounds. Making a lot of noise brings attention to the car thief, and many intruders will flee the scene as soon as the alarm blares. With some alarm systems, you can program a distinctive pattern of siren noises so you can distinguish the alarm on your car from other alarms.
A few alarm systems play a recorded message when somebody steps too close to your car. The main purpose of this is to let intruders know that you have an advanced alarm system before they try anything at all. Most likely, a veteran car thief will completely ignore these warnings, but to the opportunistic amateur thief, they can be a strong deterrent. In a sense, it gives the alarm system a commanding personality. On some unconscious level, it may seem like the car's not just a collection of individual parts, but an intelligent, armed machine.
A lot of alarm systems include a built-in radio receiver attached to the CCU and a portable radio transmitter you can carry on your keychain. In the next section, we'll see what role these components play in a security setup.
Most car alarm systems come with some sort of portable keychain transmitter. With this device, you can send instructions to the brain to control the alarm system remotely. This works in basically the same way as radio-controlled toys. It uses radio-wave pulse modulation to send specific messages
The primary purpose of the keychain transmitter is to give you a way to turn your alarm system on and off. After you've stepped out of your car and closed the door, you can arm the system with the touch of a button; when you return to the car, you can disarm it just as easily. In most systems, the CCU will flash the lights and tap the horn when you arm and disarm your car. This lets you, and anyone in the area, know the alarm system is working.
This innovation has made car alarms a lot easier to use. Before remote transmitters, alarm systems acted on a delay mechanism. As with a home security system, you activated the alarm when you parked your car, and you had 30 seconds or so to get out and lock the doors. When you unlocked your car, you had the same amount of time to shut off the alarm once you got in. This system was highly problematic, as it gave thieves an opportunity to break into the car and disable the alarm before any siren sounded.
Remote transmitters also let you open your power door locks, turn on your lights and set off the alarm before you get into your car. Some systems give you even more control over the system's brain. These devices have a central computer and a built-in pager system. When an intruder disturbs your car, the central computer calls up your keychain pager and tells you which sensors were triggered. In the most advanced systems, you can communicate with the brain, signaling it to shut down the engine.
Since the transmitter controls your alarm system, the pattern of pulse modulation must act like a key. For a particular line of transmitter devices, there might be millions of different pulse codes. This makes the communication language for your alarm system unique, so other people can't gain access to your car using another transmitter.
This system is fairly effective, but not foolproof. If a determined criminal really wants to break into your car, he or she can use a code-grabber to make a copy of your "key." A code grabber is a radio receiver that is sensitive to your transmitter's signal. It receives the code and records it. If the thief intercepts your "disarm code," he or she can program another transmitter to exactly mimic your unique signal. With this copied key, the thief can completely bypass the alarm system the next time you leave your car unattended.
To address this problem, advanced alarm systems establish a new series of codes every time you activate the alarm. Using rolling code algorithms, the receiver encrypts the new disarm code and sends it to your transmitter. Since the transmitter only uses that disarm code once, any information intercepted by a code snatcher is worthless.
Since the early 1990s, car alarm systems have evolved a great deal, and they've become a lot more common. In the next 10 years, we are sure to see a new crop of technological advances in car alarms. On board GPS receivers have opened up a wide range of security possibilities. If the receiver were connected to the alarm-system brain, it could tell you and the police where your car is at all times. This way, even if somebody does bypass your alarm system, he or she won't have the car for long.
If you want to think about a car alarm in its simplest form, it is nothing but one or more sensors connected to some sort of siren.
Most car alarm system consist of
- An array of sensors that can include switches, pressure sensors and motion detectors
- A siren,
- A radio receiver to allow wireless control from a key fob
- An auxiliary battery so that the alarm can operate even if the main battery gets disconnected
- A computer control unit that monitors everything and sounds the alarm-the "brain" of the system
The Computer Control Unit(CCU) in most advanced systems is actually a small computer. The CCU's job is to close the switches that activate alarm devices(your horn, headlights or an installed siren) when certain switches powers the sensing devices. Security systems differ mainly in which sensors are used and how the various devices are wired into the brain. |
The CCU and alarm features may be wired to the car's main battery, but they usually have a backup power source as well. This hidden battery supplies the power when somebody cuts off the main power source. Since cutting the power is a possible indication of an intruder, it triggers the CCU to sound the alarm.
Car-alarm Door Sensors
A valet switch is a manual shut-off that temporarily disables the alarm system. The valet switch is hidden in an spot in the car. The switch pictured here is mounted under the car's fuse access panel.
The most basic element in a car alarm system is the door alarm. When you open the front hood, trunk or any door on a fully protected car, the CCU triggers the alarm system.
Most car alarm systems utilize the switching mechanism that is already built into the doors. In modern cars, opening a door or trunk turns on the inside lights. The switch that makes this work is like the mechanism that controls the light in your refrigerator. When the door is closed, it presses in a small, spring-activated button, which opens the circuit. When the door is opened, the spring pushes the button open, closing the circuit and sending electricity to the inside lights
All you have to do to set up door sensors is add a new element to this pre-wired circuit. With the new wires in place, opening the door (closing the switch) sends an electrical current to the CCU in addition to the inside light which sounds the alarm.
As an overall protective measure, modern alarm systems typically monitor the voltage in the car's entire electrical circuit. If there is a drop in voltage in this circuit, the CCU knows that someone has interfered with the electrical system. Turning on a light (by opening the door), messing with electrical wires under the hood with an electrical connection would all cause such a drop in voltage.
Door sensors are highly effective, but they offer fairly limited protection. There are other ways to get into the car (breaking a window), and thieves don't actually need to break into your car to steal it from you (they can tow your car away).
Car-alarm Shock Sensors
The idea of a shock sensor is fairly simple: If somebody hits, otherwise moves your car, the sensor sends a signal to the CCU indicating the intensity of the motion. Depending on the severity of the shock, the CCU signals a warning horn beep or sounds the full-scale alarm.
There are many different ways to construct a shock sensor. One simple sensor is a long, flexible metal contact positioned just above another metal contact. You can easily configure these contacts as a simple switch: When you touch them together, current flows between them, completing the circuit.
The problem with this design is that all shocks or vibrations close the circuit in the same way. The CCU has no way of measuring the intensity of the jolt, which results in a lot of false alarms. More-advanced sensors send different information depending on how severe the shock includes.
- A central electrical contact in a cylinder housing
- Several smaller electrical contacts at the bottom of the housing
- A metal ball that can move freely in the housing
When you move the sensor, by hitting it or shaking it, the ball rolls around in the housing. As it rolls off of one of the smaller electrical contacts, it breaks the connection between that particular contact and the central contact. This opens the switch, telling the brain that the ball has moved. As it rolls on, it passes over the other contacts, closing each circuit and opening it back up, until it finally comes to a stop.
If the sensor experiences a more severe shock, the ball rolls a greater distance, passing over more of the smaller electrical contacts before it comes to a stop. When this happens, the brain receives short bursts of current from all of the individual circuits. Based on how many bursts it receives and how long they last, the brain can determine the severity of the shock. For very small shifts, where the ball only rolls from one contact to the next one, the brain might not trigger the alarm at all. For slightly larger shifts -- from somebody bumping into the car, for example -- it may give a warning sign: a tap of the horn and a flash of the headlights. When the ball rolls a good distance, the brain turns on the siren full blast.
In many modern alarm systems, shock sensors are the primary theft detectors, but they are usually coupled with other devices. In the next few sections, we'll look at some other types of sensors that tell the brain when something is wrong.
Car-alarm Window and Pressure Sensors

A fully equipped car alarm system has a device that senses this intrusion. The most common glass-breakage detector is a simple microphone connected to the CCU. Microphones measure variations in air-pressure fluctuation and convert this pattern into a fluctuating electrical current. Breaking glass has its own distinctive sound frequency. The microphone converts this to an electrical current of that particular frequency, which it sends to the CCU.
On its way to the CCM, the current passes through a crossover, an electrical device that only conducts electricity of a certain frequency range. The crossover is configured so that it will only conduct current that has the frequency of breaking glass. In this way, only this specific sound will trigger the alarm, and all other sounds are ignored.
Pressure sensors
Another way to detect breaking glass, as well as somebody opening the door, is to measure the air pressure in the car. Even if there is no pressure differential between the inside and outside, the act of opening a door or forcing in a window pushes or pulls on the air in the car, creating a brief change in pressure.You can detect fluctuations in air pressure with an ordinary loudspeaker driver. A loudspeaker has two major parts:
- A wide, movable cone
- An electromagnet, surrounded by a natural magnet, attached to the cone
Car-alarm Motion and Tilt Sensors
Many car thieves aren't after your entire car; they're after individual pieces of it. These car strippers can do a lot of their work without ever opening a door or window. And a thief armed with a tow truck can just lift up your car and drag the entire thing away.
There are several good ways for a security system to keep tabs on what's going on outside the car. Some alarm systems include perimeter scanners, devices that monitor what happens immediately around the car. The most common perimeter scanner is a basic radar system, consisting of a radio transmitter and receiver. The transmitter sends out radio signals and the receiver monitors the signal reflections that come back. Based on this information, the radar device can determine the proximity of any surrounding object.
To protect against car thieves with tow trucks, some alarm system have "tilt detectors." The basic design of a tilt detector is a series of mercury switches. A mercury switch is made up of two electrical wires and a ball of mercury positioned inside a contained cylinder.
Mercury is a liquid metal- it flows like water, but it conducts electricity like a solid metal. In a mercury switch, one wire (let's call it wire A) goes all the way across the bottom of the cylinder, while the other wire (wire B) extends only part way from one side. The mercury is always in contact with wire A, but it may break contact with wire B.
When the cylinder tilts one way, the mercury shifts so that it comes into contact with wire B. This closes the circuit running through the mercury switch. When the cylinder tilts the other way, the mercury rolls away from the second wire, opening the circuit.In some designs, only the tip of wire B is exposed, and the mercury must be in contact with the tip in order to close a switch. Tilting the mercury switch either way will open the circuit.
Car alarm tilt sensors typically have an array of mercury switches positioned at varying angles. Some of them are in the closed position when you're parked at any particular slant, and some of them are in the open position. If a thief changes the angle of your car (by lifting it with a tow truck or hiking it up with a jack, for example), some of the closed switches open and some of the open switches close. If any of the switches are thrown, the central brain knows that someone is lifting the car.
In different situations, all of these alarm systems might cover the same ground. For example, if someone is towing your car away, the mercury switches, the shock sensor and the radar sensor will all register that there is a problem. But different combinations of alarm triggers may indicate different events. "Intelligent" alarm system have brains that react differently depending on the combination of information they receive from the sensors.
There are several good ways for a security system to keep tabs on what's going on outside the car. Some alarm systems include perimeter scanners, devices that monitor what happens immediately around the car. The most common perimeter scanner is a basic radar system, consisting of a radio transmitter and receiver. The transmitter sends out radio signals and the receiver monitors the signal reflections that come back. Based on this information, the radar device can determine the proximity of any surrounding object.
To protect against car thieves with tow trucks, some alarm system have "tilt detectors." The basic design of a tilt detector is a series of mercury switches. A mercury switch is made up of two electrical wires and a ball of mercury positioned inside a contained cylinder.
Mercury is a liquid metal- it flows like water, but it conducts electricity like a solid metal. In a mercury switch, one wire (let's call it wire A) goes all the way across the bottom of the cylinder, while the other wire (wire B) extends only part way from one side. The mercury is always in contact with wire A, but it may break contact with wire B.
When the cylinder tilts one way, the mercury shifts so that it comes into contact with wire B. This closes the circuit running through the mercury switch. When the cylinder tilts the other way, the mercury rolls away from the second wire, opening the circuit.In some designs, only the tip of wire B is exposed, and the mercury must be in contact with the tip in order to close a switch. Tilting the mercury switch either way will open the circuit.
Car alarm tilt sensors typically have an array of mercury switches positioned at varying angles. Some of them are in the closed position when you're parked at any particular slant, and some of them are in the open position. If a thief changes the angle of your car (by lifting it with a tow truck or hiking it up with a jack, for example), some of the closed switches open and some of the open switches close. If any of the switches are thrown, the central brain knows that someone is lifting the car.
In different situations, all of these alarm systems might cover the same ground. For example, if someone is towing your car away, the mercury switches, the shock sensor and the radar sensor will all register that there is a problem. But different combinations of alarm triggers may indicate different events. "Intelligent" alarm system have brains that react differently depending on the combination of information they receive from the sensors.
Car-alarm Alerts

A few alarm systems play a recorded message when somebody steps too close to your car. The main purpose of this is to let intruders know that you have an advanced alarm system before they try anything at all. Most likely, a veteran car thief will completely ignore these warnings, but to the opportunistic amateur thief, they can be a strong deterrent. In a sense, it gives the alarm system a commanding personality. On some unconscious level, it may seem like the car's not just a collection of individual parts, but an intelligent, armed machine.
A lot of alarm systems include a built-in radio receiver attached to the CCU and a portable radio transmitter you can carry on your keychain. In the next section, we'll see what role these components play in a security setup.
Car-alarm Transmitters

This innovation has made car alarms a lot easier to use. Before remote transmitters, alarm systems acted on a delay mechanism. As with a home security system, you activated the alarm when you parked your car, and you had 30 seconds or so to get out and lock the doors. When you unlocked your car, you had the same amount of time to shut off the alarm once you got in. This system was highly problematic, as it gave thieves an opportunity to break into the car and disable the alarm before any siren sounded.
Remote transmitters also let you open your power door locks, turn on your lights and set off the alarm before you get into your car. Some systems give you even more control over the system's brain. These devices have a central computer and a built-in pager system. When an intruder disturbs your car, the central computer calls up your keychain pager and tells you which sensors were triggered. In the most advanced systems, you can communicate with the brain, signaling it to shut down the engine.
Since the transmitter controls your alarm system, the pattern of pulse modulation must act like a key. For a particular line of transmitter devices, there might be millions of different pulse codes. This makes the communication language for your alarm system unique, so other people can't gain access to your car using another transmitter.
This system is fairly effective, but not foolproof. If a determined criminal really wants to break into your car, he or she can use a code-grabber to make a copy of your "key." A code grabber is a radio receiver that is sensitive to your transmitter's signal. It receives the code and records it. If the thief intercepts your "disarm code," he or she can program another transmitter to exactly mimic your unique signal. With this copied key, the thief can completely bypass the alarm system the next time you leave your car unattended.
To address this problem, advanced alarm systems establish a new series of codes every time you activate the alarm. Using rolling code algorithms, the receiver encrypts the new disarm code and sends it to your transmitter. Since the transmitter only uses that disarm code once, any information intercepted by a code snatcher is worthless.
Since the early 1990s, car alarm systems have evolved a great deal, and they've become a lot more common. In the next 10 years, we are sure to see a new crop of technological advances in car alarms. On board GPS receivers have opened up a wide range of security possibilities. If the receiver were connected to the alarm-system brain, it could tell you and the police where your car is at all times. This way, even if somebody does bypass your alarm system, he or she won't have the car for long.